New Equipment, Part 1: Zeiss Terra ED Binoculars

My new pair of Zeiss Terra ED 8×42 binoculars.

A month or so ago, I was in Academy (a giant sports equipment and clothing retail warehouse), where I was very surprised to spot a brand-new pair of Zeiss binoculars …. for just $400. The legendary German manufacturer is known for producing excellent, top-of-the-range optics for birders, often with a price tag of $2,000 or more, and I had no idea they had recently entered the entry-level binocular market.

Upon researching further, l learned that Zeiss keep costs down by making the Terra range in China using cheaper, mass-produced components. However, the Terra ED models have received excellent reviews for their optical quality and value for money. The prestige of the blue Zeiss logo goes quite a long way too, it seems.

My regular binoculars for the last few years have been a pair of Zeiss Victory 8×20 compacts, which have suited my nomadic lifestyle perfectly as they are very small and light but still optically excellent. However, with small 20mm objective lenses, they don’t have the light-gathering power of larger models, and therefore aren’t ideal for low light conditions such as birding in the gloom of closed-canopy tropical forests.

I waited until Black Friday – the day after Thanksgiving when everyone goes into a retail frenzy – and surfed the net for a while until I found an excellent deal from Sport Optics of Louisiana, for a pair of Terra ED 8x42s for just $252 including free shipping. In the UK, which is a much more expensive place to buy many things, the Terra ED 8x42s retail for the equivalent of $500, so I was truly getting a bargain.

My first impressions were very positive. They have a sturdy, solidly constructed feel, yet are quite a bit lighter than similar-sized models. Encased in waterproof rubber armoring, these binoculars are comfortable to hold and feel virtually indestructible. Unfortunately, when I looked through them, I immediately realised that this particular pair was completely out of alignment. A phone call to the very professional staff at Sport Optics quickly remedied the problem, and they sent me a new pair immediately, while I shipped the defective ones back free of charge.

Optically, the Terra 8x42s are excellent, with an extremely bright and sharp image, close focussing down to just a couple of feet, and a sturdy and satisfying feel in the hand. Their first proper outing was an intensive birding weekend in the lower Rio Grande Valley in south Texas, where they performed excellently even in low light conditions. It’s impressive how far binocular technology has advanced in recent years – my new budget Zeiss comfortably outperform my Leica 10x42BAs, which when I bought them in 1997 were considered among the best optics money could buy – and they had a price tag of more than $1,000, which in those days was a serious amount of money to spend on a pair of bins.

One minor issue which bugs me is that the Zeiss badge fell off after just a few days, testament to Chinese standards of build quality, and hopefully not an omen for more serious problems in the future. I replaced it using superglue, but it was very hard to do it neatly, and some glue leaked out around the sides onto the rubber armoring. Second, while these binoculars are supplied with rain guards and a comfortable neck strap, a hard case is not included ….. that would be a nice addition that I wouldn’t have minded paying a few extra dollars for.

Ringed Kingfisher and Wood Duck, Landa Park, December 19th

Wood Duck and Lesser Scaup, Landa Park, December 19th.

Landa Park in New Braunfels is a reliable site in winter for what is widely considered to be North America’s most beautiful and photogenic duck. The wintering Wood Ducks here opt for the easy life, coming to bread and showing at close range, meaning the quite spectacular colors of the male can be fully appreciated.

Alongside them, it was interesting to see 20 or so Lesser Scaup also competing voraciously for scraps of bread …. the Wood Ducks aren’t the only wild ducks turning to human handouts here!

A short afternoon walk beside the lake also turned up an unexpected sighting of a Ringed Kingfisher. This enormous kingfisher is widespread in Latin America, but its range only just extends into south Texas, and the birds regularly seen here are close to the northern limit of their range. It can be readily distinguished from the much commoner Belted Kingfisher not only by its size, but also its vivid all-chestnut underparts, and a much louder and harsher call.

2015 Year Ticks: Wood Duck, Ringed Kingfisher (total 1,110).

Tropical Birding in South Texas, December 12th-14th

Common Pauraque at its daytime roost, Estero Llano Grande State Park, December 13th.

After two months in Texas, I finally had the long-awaited opportunity to head south – seriously south. The lower Rio Grande valley along the border with Mexico is a unique bird area, as it holds a wide range of tropical species at the far northern end of their range which are not found elsewhere in the USA. It’s arguably one of the most exciting places in the world to see birds – especially so in spring, but winter is certainly not without its delights, as I was to discover.

Along the way, what self-respecting birder could pass up the opportunity to visit Aransas National Wildlife Reserve – the only wintering site in the world for the rare and spectacular Whooping Crane? I was at the Aransas visitor center by 7.30am after a ridiculously early start from Houston. The weather wasn’t especially co-operative, being very windy and overcast with occasional outbreaks of rain. Considering this is December in the northern hemisphere, one might imagine some very unpleasant birding conditions, but not today in southern Texas where the temperature stayed pegged at an extremely mild 25C (78F) throughout the day.

Five gleaming white Whooping Cranes were easy to spot from the specially constructed viewing tower, albeit very distantly (a telescope is essential here). I also had to clear a path through the rows of Black Vultures, who like to use the railings on the tower’s walkways as perching and squabbling grounds, and in some cases were very reluctant to move – these birds are actually fairly intimidating when they are glaring at you from only six feet away!

Up close and personal with a Black Vulture at Aransas – this photo was taken on my second visit to the site on December 14th.

I enjoyed some seawatching in the bay, although in less than ideal conditions with the wind and choppy seas making for difficult viewing. However, I did find about 10 Horned Grebes, perhaps a higher than usual total for this site, and at least four Greater Scaup among the large flocks of Lesser Scaup. Interesting fly-bys comprised a small flock of Snow Geese, and three cinnamon-colored Long-billed Curlews, but try as I might, I could not locate a Common Loon on the water.

Along the “auto tour loop”, I chanced upon a family group of Sandhill Cranes showing well not far from the car, and a lone Whooping Crane nearby, closer than the tower birds but standing in long grass so it was only visible from the neck upwards. White-tailed Hawk was another good sighting here, this bird is a speciality of the Texas coastal plain and is found nowhere else in the USA.

Although the Aransas area easily merits a full day – or even several days – of exploring, I had lots more birds to see and only limited time, so by late morning I was impatient to hit the road south. An eBird-inspired stop south of Corpus Christi was moderately rewarding, with good views of several Greater Roadrunner, a fine male Pyrrhuloxia, and three Say’s Phoebes at Chapman Ranch. I had been hoping for Burrowing Owl here, but the Say’s Phoebes provided excellent compensation – they are rare winter visitors this far east. I managed a very poor photo with my “punk” camera, but it’s enough to confirm the identification. I really need to invest in a decent camera, as photos are more or less essential these days in order to confirm sightings of rare species – and I was to find several other rarities before the weekend was out, neither of which I managed to photograph.

Say’s Phoebe, Chapman Ranch, December 13th – a rare winter visitor in south and east Texas.

Vast agricultural prairies lie to the south and west of Corpus Christi, home in winter to very small numbers of Sprague’s Pipit, Mountain Plover, and Prairie Falcon, but finding any of them is locating a needle in a haystack, and on this windy and dull afternoon it was unsurprising when I came away empty-handed – although a fine flock of Sandhill Cranes provided modest compensation for my efforts.

With an early, wintry dusk fast approaching, the birding was more or less over for the day, and I drove south to Harlingen, where I treated myself to an overnight stay in a Super 8 motel. This was a bit above budget – I had been planning to sleep in the car – but I was exhausted after the early start and long drive.

I awoke to more of the same weather – extremely overcast, warm, windy, and damp. With so many birding options in the lower Rio Grande valley, it was hard to decide where to go – and with just one full day here, I had to be smart and eliminate any long drives. The original plan to visit Laguna Atascosa fell by the wayside in favor of the much closer Estero Llano Grande State Park, which turned out to be an excellent choice. A total of 76 bird species seen here in just 3.5 hours demonstrates the quality of this location. In fact, just sitting quietly and watching the bird feeders and garden at the visitor center produced such exciting birds as Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Green Jay, Altamira Oriole, and both Curve-billed and Long-billed Thrashers, all at very close range. Along the trails, I was adding to my list every few minutes, with many south Texas specialities seen including Cinnamon Teal, Plain Chachalaca, White-tipped Dove, Common Ground-Dove, Green Kingfisher, Groove-billed Ani, Green Parakeet, Great Kiskadee, Tropical Kingbird, Indigo Bunting, a beautiful male Painted Bunting (a very rare bird in winter), and a perfectly camouflaged day-roosting Common Pauraque.

Halfway through the morning, the wind suddenly blew cold, and I was to learn later that the temperature dropped from 25C (78F) to 16C (61F) in just a couple of seconds. Sudden weather changes are a fascinating Texas phenomenon that we just don’t have in temperate Western Europe. All I know is that suddenly I was very grateful I had packed my warm sweater in my bag – other T-shirt wearing birders I encountered on the trails weren’t so lucky!

Me in birding action at Chapman Ranch, in temperatures of 25C (78F) …. not the kind of December weather we ever get in the UK!

My second port of call for the day was the Santa Ana National Wildlife Reserve, where a long-staying Northern Jacana, a very rare vagrant to the USA from its breeding grounds in Mexico, was perhaps the outstanding highlight. The area didn’t seem quite as exceptionally rich in birds as Estero Llano Grande, but I added some excellent birds to the list including a skulking Olive Sparrow, a Harris’s Hawk, and one of my all-time favorite birds, Black-and-white Warbler. This charismatic bird is readily spotted by its striped black and white plumage, and its unusual habit of spiralling up and down trunks and branches, more like a nuthatch than a warbler. It’s common in the USA in from spring to fall, but only a handful winter in the far south of the country, with the rest heading to Mexico and central America. Not that this one was very far from Mexico, perhaps just two miles as the warbler flies.

I was to have an even closer encounter with Mexico at my final location for the day, the Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park. This site, also known as the World Birding Center, is legendary among birders, with quite a long list of very rare Mexican and tropical species seen here over the years. I arrived in the early afternoon to glorious sunny, cool and calm conditions, the incoming cold front having taken just a couple of hours to completely clear the overcast, windy weather away.

Birding the Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park involves doing quite a lot of walking, as it’s a big park and cars are not allowed, presumably in a bid to make it harder for illegal immigrants to cross the USA-Mexico border which lies along the Rio Grande at the southern edge of the park. Despite the fine weather, birding was rather slow at first, although I wasn’t complaining as the numerous Green Jays at the park’s feeding stations were always on view and looking spectacular in the afternoon sunlight.

Green Jays (with a Northern Cardinal behind them), Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, December 13th.

The main reason I was here was for the hawks, and I after nearly four hours in the park, and more than six miles of walking, I came away well satisfied with excellent views of two perched adult Grey Hawks (a site speciality), Harris’s Hawk, White-tailed Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk, and good perched views of the long-staying juvenile Broad-winged Hawk. The latter species is a common summer visitor and passage migrant to the USA, but very rare in winter.

Record shot of the long-staying juvenile Broad-winged Hawk, Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, December 13th.

The habitat is rather dry and arid in the park, and bird density seemed fairly low. I figured that maybe if I headed to the distant reaches of the park next to the Rio Grande, there might be some damper areas with perhaps a wider range of bird species. This didn’t actually prove to be the case, but I had an interesting experience when I followed a small side trail and suddenly found myself on the banks of the Rio Grande. Across the river, perhaps 200 feet away, was Mexico, and on the opposite bank I could see a derelict building and beside it, a narrow path heading to the water’s edge. On my side of the river, a deflated inner tube lay in the shallows, no doubt previously used by illegal immigrants heading across from Mexico. It really would not have been hard to cross the river undetected in this spot, and disappear into the woods in the State Park – I wondered how many people used this particular crossing, and whether anyone was lurking in the bushes watching me at that moment!

The Rio Grande at the edge of Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park – the opposite bank is Mexico.

As the afternoon drew to a close, I dosed up on some coffee, and drove north through the evening, finally arriving at the gates of Aransas NWR at around 11.30pm. I was well-prepared with blankets and pillows, and enjoyed a surprisingly refreshing sleep in the car, waking at 7.00am ready and raring to go for another morning’s birding.

It was one of those mornings when the world seems absolutely perfect. A clear, sunny, and cool day, with temperatures of 7C/45F at dawn rising to perhaps 17C/63F by late morning. A little mist lingered over the trees and I could hear the distant calls of Sandhill Cranes in flight, and one of the first sights to greet me at the start of the Heron Flats trail was a magnificent pair of Whooping Cranes on the saltmarsh close to the first viewing platform.

A perfect dawn at Aransas NWR visitor center.

The Heron Flats trail was absolutely bursting with bird activity, with small songbirds and wintering warblers energetically feeding as the sun warmed the trees and bushes, making up for lost time after the recent windy, rainy weather. Yellow-rumped Warblers inhabited virtually every bush, calling constantly, and some usually secretive species showed well: two Sedge Wrens, three Grey Catbirds, and no fewer than five Long-billed Thrashers.

It was on this trail that I found a major winter rarity. Noticing a warbler quite low down in brushy scrub at the edge of the path, I raised my binoculars and immediately knew I was onto something good. It had a bright, vivid yellow throat and underparts, black streaking on the breast sides, a plain olive-green back with no discernible wingbars, and clear yellow crescents above and below the eye. The bird was feeding low down in the bushes, flicking its wings and tail, and showing very well in perfect light as I had the sun behind me. The all-yellow underparts and lack of wingbars ruled out Pine Warbler, the only realistically confusable possibility among the regular wintering warblers. I realized I could only have been looking at a Prairie Warbler, which is an exceptionally rare bird in Texas, especially in winter. A few days later, when perusing records of this species on eBird, I found that a juvenile female Prairie Warbler had been seen (and photographed) at exactly the same location in December last year. Could my bird be the same individual, returning for a second winter?

Whooping Crane at Aransas NWR, December 14th – closer than before, but still a little too distant for my camera!

Full bird list, south Texas, December 12th-14th. Lifers in bold, 2015 year ticks in italics:

1. Black-bellied Whistling Duck
2. Snow Goose
3. Gadwall
4. American Wigeon
5. Mottled Duck
6. Blue-winged Teal
7. Cinnamon Teal
8. Northern Shoveler
9. Northern Pintail
10. Green-winged Teal
11. Redhead
12. Greater Scaup
13. Lesser Scaup
14. Bufflehead
15. Common Goldeneye
16. Red-breasted Merganser
17. Plain Chachalaca
18. Least Grebe
19. Pied-billed Grebe
20. Horned Grebe
21. Eared Grebe
22. Neotropic Cormorant
23. Double-crested Cormorant
24. Anhinga
25. Brown Pelican
26. American White Pelican
27. Great Blue Heron
28. Great Egret
29. Snowy Egret
30. Little Blue Heron
31. Tricolored Heron
32. Reddish Egret
33. Yellow-crowned Night Heron
34. Black-crowned Night Heron
35. White Ibis
36. White-faced Ibis
37. Roseate Spoonbill
38. Black Vulture
39. Turkey Vulture
40. Osprey
41. White-tailed Kite
42. Northern Harrier
43. Sharp-shinned Hawk
44. Cooper’s Hawk
45. Harris’s Hawk
46. White-tailed Hawk
47. Grey Hawk
48. Broad-winged Hawk
49. Red-tailed Hawk
50. Sora
51. Common Gallinule
52. American Coot
53. Sandhill Crane
54. Whooping Crane
55. Black-necked Stilt
56. American Avocet
57. Killdeer
58. Northern Jacana
59. Spotted Sandpiper
60. Greater Yellowlegs
61. Willet
62. Long-billed Curlew
63. Ruddy Turnstone
64. Sanderling
65. Western Sandpiper
66. Least Sandpiper
67. Long-billed Dowitcher
68. Wilson’s Snipe
69. Laughing Gull
70. Ring-billed Gull
71. Caspian Tern
72. Forster’s Tern
73. Rock Dove
74. Eurasian Collared Dove
75. Inca Dove
76. Common Ground-Dove
77. White-tipped Dove
78. White-winged Dove
79. Mourning Dove
80. Greater Roadrunner
81. Groove-billed Ani
82. Common Pauraque
83. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
84. Buff-bellied Hummingbird
85. Green Kingfisher
86. Belted Kingfisher
87. Golden-fronted Woodpecker
88. Ladder-backed Woodpecker
89. Crested Caracara
90. American Kestrel
91. Green Parakeet
92. Eastern Phoebe
93. Say’s Phoebe
94. Vermilion Flycatcher
95. Great Kiskadee
96. Couch’s Kingbird
97. Tropical Kingbird
98. Loggerhead Shrike
99. Green Jay
100. Tree Swallow
101. Cave Swallow
102. Black-crested Titmouse
103. House Wren
104. Sedge Wren
105. Carolina Wren
106. Blue-grey Gnatcatcher
107. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
108. American Robin
109. Grey Catbird
110. Curve-billed Thrasher
111. Long-billed Thrasher
112. Northern Mockingbird
113. European Starling
114. Black-and-white Warbler
115. Orange-crowned Warbler
116. Common Yellowthroat
117. Yellow-rumped Warbler
118. Prairie Warbler
119. Olive Sparrow
120. Savannah Sparrow
121. Lincoln’s Sparrow
122. Swamp Sparrow
123. Northern Cardinal
124. Pyrrhuloxia
125. Indigo Bunting
126. Painted Bunting
127. Red-winged Blackbird
128. Eastern Meadowlark
129. Boat-tailed Grackle
130. Great-tailed Grackle
131. Altamira Oriole
132. American Goldfinch
133. House Sparrow

World Life List: 2,054
2015 World Year List: 1,108

My 2015 World Year List

1 Red-legged Partridge 7/5/2015 UK: Crockham Hill, Kent
2 Chinese Francolin 23/09/2015 Vietnam: Ho Tuyen Lam, Dalat.
3 King Quail 17/01/2015 Taiwan: Jiadong, Pingtung County.
4 Hill Partridge 24/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
5 Rufous-throated Partridge 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
6 Bar-backed Partridge 1/3/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
7 Green-legged Partridge 17/08/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
8 Mountain Bamboo Partridge 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
9 Taiwan Bamboo-Partridge 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
10 Himalayan Monal 23/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
11 Red Junglefowl 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
12 Sri Lanka Junglefowl 23/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
13 Green Junglefowl 25/06/2015 Indonesia: Bali Barat National Park, Bali.
14 Kalij Pheasant 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
15 Silver Pheasant 26/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Pui, Chiang Mai.
16 Siamese Fireback 7/10/2015 Vietnam: Phong Nha.
17 Mrs. Hume’s Pheasant 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
18 Common Pheasant 28/04/2015 UK: Crockham Hill, Kent
19 Indian Peafowl 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
20 Black-bellied Whistling Duck 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
21 Fulvous Whistling Duck 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
22 Wandering Whistling Duck 10/7/2015 Indonesia: Nusa Dua settling ponds, Bali.
23 Lesser Whistling Duck 20/04/2015 Sri Lanka: near Tangalle.
24 Greylag Goose 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Gyongyos.
25 Bar-headed Goose 2/4/2015 India: Agra.
26 Canada Goose 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
27 Mute Swan 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
28 Common Shelduck 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
29 Ruddy Shelduck 1/2/2015 Thailand: Wat Komnaram, near Pak Thale.
30 Cotton Pygmy Goose 7/2/2015 Cambodia: Phnom Krom rice fields.
31 Gadwall 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
32 Eurasian Wigeon 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
33 American Wigeon 1/11/2015 USA: Arlington Settling Ponds, Dallas.
34 Mallard 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
35 Mottled Duck 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
36 Indian Spot-billed Duck 7/2/2015 Cambodia: Phnom Krom rice fields.
37 Eastern Spot-billed Duck 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
38 Blue-winged Teal 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
39 Northern Shoveler 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
40 Sunda Teal 10/7/2015 Indonesia: Nusa Dua settling ponds, Bali.
41 Northern Pintail 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
42 Garganey 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
43 Eurasian Teal 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
44 Green-winged Teal 11/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX.
45 Canvasback 11/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX.
46 Redhead 1/11/2015 USA: Arlington Settling Ponds, Dallas.
47 Common Pochard 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
48 Ferruginous Duck 20/01/2015 Taiwan: Yuanfugang Wetlands Park, Kaohsiung.
49 Ring-necked Duck 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
50 Tufted Duck 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
51 Greater Scaup 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Budai, near Chiayi.
52 Lesser Scaup 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
53 Common Merganser 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
54 Ruddy Duck 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
55 Flesh-footed Shearwater 12/4/2015 Sri Lanka: offshore from Mirissa.
56 Little Grebe 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
57 Least Grebe 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
58 Pied-billed Grebe 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
59 Red-necked Grebe 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
60 Great Crested Grebe 20/01/2015 Taiwan: Budai, near Chiayi.
61 Black-necked Grebe 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Budai, near Chiayi.
62 Greater Flamingo 2/4/2015 India: Agra.
63 Painted Stork 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
64 Asian Openbill 30/01/2015 Thailand: between Bangkok and Pak Thale.
65 Black Stork 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
66 Woolly-necked Stork 12/3/2015 Nepal: between Kathmandu and Chitwan.
67 White Stork 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Budapest.
68 Oriental Stork 17/01/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
69 Lesser Adjutant 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
70 African Sacred Ibis 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
71 Black-headed Ibis 20/04/2015 Sri Lanka: near Tangalle.
72 Red-naped Ibis 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
73 American White Ibis 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
74 Glossy Ibis 29/05/2015 France: over A7 motorway near Marseille.
75 White-faced Ibis 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
76 Eurasian Spoonbill 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
77 Black-faced Spoonbill 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
78 Roseate Spoonbill 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
79 Eurasian Bittern 17/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
80 American Bittern 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
81 Yellow Bittern 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
82 Cinnamon Bittern 1/2/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
83 Black Bittern 10/9/2015 Cambodia: Phnom Krom rice fields.
84 Malayan Night Heron 28/01/2015 Taiwan: Taipei Botanical Gardens.
85 Black-crowned Night Heron 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
86 Yellow-crowned Night Heron 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
87 Green Heron 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
88 Striated Heron 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
89 Squacco Heron 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
90 Indian Pond Heron 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
91 Chinese Pond Heron 30/01/2015 Thailand: between Bangkok and Pak Thale.
92 Javan Pond Heron 31/01/2015 Thailand: King’s Project, Laem Pak Bia.
93 Western Cattle Egret 30/05/2015 France: Camargue.
94 Eastern Cattle Egret 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
95 Grey Heron 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
96 Great Blue Heron 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
97 Purple Heron 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
98 Great Egret 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
99 Intermediate Egret 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Qigu marshes, Tainan.
100 Tricolored Heron 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
101 Little Blue Heron 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
102 Snowy Egret 16/10/2015 USA: Houston.
103 Little Egret 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
104 Pacific Reef Heron 18/01/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
105 Chinese Egret 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia sandspit.
106 Australian Pelican 4/7/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
107 American White Pelican 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
108 Brown Pelican 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
109 Lesser Frigatebird 30/06/2015 Indonesia: Komodo National Park.
110 Little Pied Cormorant 10/7/2015 Indonesia: Nusa Dua settling ponds, Bali.
111 Little Cormorant 31/01/2015 Thailand: King’s Project, Laem Pak Bia.
112 Pygmy Cormorant 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
113 Neotropic Cormorant 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
114 Double-crested Cormorant 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
115 Indian Cormorant 31/01/2015 Thailand: King’s Project, Laem Pak Bia.
116 Little Black Cormorant 5/7/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
117 Great Cormorant 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Budai, near Chiayi.
118 Oriental Darter 5/2/2015 Cambodia: boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap.
119 Turkey Vulture 17/10/2015 USA: Houston.
120 Black Vulture 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
121 Western Osprey 3/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
122 Black-winged Kite 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Qigu marshes, Tainan.
123 White-tailed Kite 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
124 Bearded Vulture 20/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
125 Egyptian Vulture 15/03/2015 Nepal: between Chitwan and Pokhara.
126 European Honey Buzzard 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
127 Crested Honey Buzzard 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
128 Black Baza 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Ta Prohm temple, Siem Reap.
129 White-rumped Vulture 31/03/2015 Nepal: between Pokhara and Kathmandu.
130 Himalayan Vulture 19/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
131 Griffon Vulture 31/05/2015 France: Gorges du Verdon, Provence.
132 Crested Serpent Eagle 3/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
133 Short-toed Snake Eagle 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
134 Mountain Hawk-Eagle 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
135 Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
136 Rufous-bellied Hawk-Eagle 26/09/2015 Vietnam: Dalat.
137 Black Eagle 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
138 Lesser Spotted Eagle 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
139 Booted Eagle 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
140 Steppe Eagle 23/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
141 Eastern Imperial Eagle 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Gyongyos.
142 Crested Goshawk 3/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
143 Shikra 5/2/2015 Cambodia: boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap.
144 Besra 11/8/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
145 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
146 Sharp-shinned Hawk 8/11/2015 USA: near New Braunfels, Texas.
147 Cooper’s Hawk 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
148 Western Marsh Harrier 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Budapest.
149 Eastern Marsh Harrier 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
150 Hen Harrier 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Gyongyos.
151 Northern Harrier 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
152 Montagu’s Harrier 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
153 Red Kite 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
154 Black Kite 4/1/2015 Taiwan: near Meinong, Kaohsiung.
155 Brahminy Kite 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
156 White-bellied Sea Eagle 12/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
157 White-tailed Eagle 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
158 Bald Eagle 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
159 Grey-headed Fish Eagle 15/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
160 Rufous-winged Buzzard 2/3/2015 Thailand: Muang Khong road, near Chiang Dao.
161 Grey-faced Buzzard 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
162 Swainson’s Hawk 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
163 Red-tailed Hawk 14/10/2015 USA: Houston.
164 Eastern Buzzard 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
165 Long-legged Buzzard 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy grasslands.
166 Common Buzzard 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
167 Northern Crested Caracara 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
168 Black-thighed Falconet 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
169 Lesser Kestrel 29/05/2015 France: Plaine de la Crau, near Arles.
170 Common Kestrel 3/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
171 Spotted Kestrel 29/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
172 American Kestrel 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
173 Red-footed Falcon 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
174 Merlin 11/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX.
175 Eurasian Hobby 3/5/2015 UK: Oxted, Surrey.
176 Saker Falcon 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy grasslands.
177 Peregrine Falcon 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
178 Brown Crake 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
179 White-breasted Waterhen 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
180 Sora 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
181 Ruddy-breasted Crake 31/01/2015 Thailand: King’s Project, Laem Pak Bia.
182 Watercock 10/9/2015 Cambodia: Phnom Krom rice fields.
183 Common Moorhen 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
184 Common Gallinule 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
185 Eurasian Coot 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
186 American Coot 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
187 Sarus Crane 1/4/2015 India: between Delhi and Agra.
188 Common Crane 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
189 Barred Buttonquail 9/3/2015 Thailand: near Kaeng Krachan national park.
190 Eurasian Stone-curlew 29/05/2015 France: Plaine de la Crau, near Arles.
191 Indian Stone-curlew 16/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Koggala airfield.
192 Beach Stone-curlew 1/7/2015 Indonesia: Komodo Island.
193 Eurasian Oystercatcher 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
194 Black-winged Stilt 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
195 Black-necked Stilt 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
196 Pied Avocet 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
197 American Avocet 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
198 Northern Lapwing 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
199 River Lapwing 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
200 Grey-headed Lapwing 1/2/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
201 Red-wattled Lapwing 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
202 Pacific Golden Plover 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
203 Grey Plover 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Qigu marshes, Tainan.
204 Little Ringed Plover 13/01/2015 Taiwan: Gaoping River, near Kaohsiung.
205 Killdeer 18/10/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, Texas.
206 Kentish Plover 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
207 Javan Plover 14/07/2015 Indonesia: Serangan Island, Bali.
208 Malaysian Plover 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia sandspit.
209 Lesser Sand Plover 18/01/2015 Taiwan: Dapeng Bay, Pingtung County.
210 Greater Sand Plover 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
211 Pheasant-tailed Jacana 20/01/2015 Taiwan: Yuanfugang Wetlands Park, Kaohsiung.
212 Bronze-winged Jacana 1/2/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
213 Common Snipe 13/01/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
214 Wilson’s Snipe 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
215 Asian Dowitcher 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia abandoned building.
216 Black-tailed Godwit 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
217 Bar-tailed Godwit 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
218 Whimbrel 18/01/2015 Taiwan: Dapeng Bay, Pingtung County.
219 Eurasian Curlew 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Qigu marshes, Tainan.
220 Far Eastern Curlew 10/7/2015 Indonesia: Serangan Island, Bali.
221 Spotted Redshank 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Puzi river, Chiayi County.
222 Common Redshank 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
223 Marsh Sandpiper 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
224 Common Greenshank 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
225 Nordmann’s Greenshank 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
226 Greater Yellowlegs 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
227 Lesser Yellowlegs 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
228 Green Sandpiper 13/01/2015 Taiwan: Gaoping River, near Kaohsiung.
229 Wood Sandpiper 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Qigu marshes, Tainan.
230 Willet 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
231 Common Sandpiper 3/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
232 Spotted Sandpiper 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
233 Ruddy Turnstone 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
234 Great Knot 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
235 Red Knot 18/01/2015 Taiwan: Dapeng Bay, Pingtung County.
236 Sanderling 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
237 Red-necked Stint 18/01/2015 Taiwan: Dapeng Bay, Pingtung County.
238 Little Stint 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
239 Temminck’s Stint 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia abandoned building.
240 Long-toed Stint 18/01/2015 Taiwan: Dapeng Bay, Pingtung County.
241 Least Sandpiper 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
242 Curlew Sandpiper 20/01/2015 Taiwan: Budai, near Chiayi.
243 Dunlin 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Qigu marshes, Tainan.
244 Spoon-billed Sandpiper 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
245 Broad-billed Sandpiper 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
246 Ruff 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia abandoned building.
247 Red-necked Phalarope 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
248 Oriental Pratincole 10/9/2015 Cambodia: Phnom Krom rice fields.
249 Slender-billed Gull 17/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
250 Brown-headed Gull 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
251 Black-headed Gull 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Aogu wetlands, Yunlin County.
252 Saunders’s Gull 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Puzi river, Chiayi County.
253 Little Gull 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
254 Laughing Gull 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
255 Mediterranean Gull 25/05/2015 France: Chenonceaux, Loire Valley.
256 Pallas’s Gull 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia sandspit.
257 Black-tailed Gull 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Puzi river, Chiayi County.
258 Mew Gull 17/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
259 Ring-billed Gull 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
260 European Herring Gull 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
261 Caspian Gull 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
262 Yellow-legged Gull 17/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
263 Gull-billed Tern 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia sandspit.
264 Caspian Tern 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Qigu marshes, Tainan.
265 Royal Tern 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
266 Greater Crested Tern 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia sandspit.
267 Lesser Crested Tern 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia sandspit.
268 Little Tern 20/01/2015 Taiwan: Qigu marshes, Tainan.
269 Bridled Tern 12/4/2015 Sri Lanka: offshore from Mirissa.
270 Black-naped Tern 30/06/2015 Indonesia: Komodo National Park.
271 Common Tern 31/01/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia sandspit.
272 Forster’s Tern 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
273 Whiskered Tern 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
274 White-winged Tern 31/01/2015 Thailand: King’s Project, Laem Pak Bia.
275 Black Tern 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
276 Pin-tailed Sandgrouse 29/05/2015 France: Plaine de la Crau, near Arles.
277 Rock Dove 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
278 Snow Pigeon 22/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
279 Stock Dove 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
280 Common Wood Pigeon 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
281 Speckled Wood Pigeon 25/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
282 Ashy Wood Pigeon 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
283 European Turtle Dove 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
284 Oriental Turtle Dove 28/01/2015 Taiwan: Taipei Botanical Gardens.
285 Island Collared Dove 10/7/2015 Indonesia: Nusa Dua settling ponds, Bali.
286 Eurasian Collared Dove 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
287 Red Turtle Dove 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
288 Spotted Dove 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
289 Laughing Dove 2/4/2015 India: Agra.
290 Barred Cuckoo-Dove 21/09/2015 Vietnam: Dalat.
291 Little Cuckoo-Dove 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
292 Common Emerald Dove 13/01/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
293 Zebra Dove 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
294 Barred Dove 30/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
295 Mourning Dove 14/10/2015 USA: Houston.
296 White-winged Dove 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
297 Pink-necked Green Pigeon 10/7/2015 Indonesia: Nusa Dua settling ponds, Bali.
298 Orange-breasted Green Pigeon 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
299 Sri Lanka Green Pigeon 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
300 Ashy-headed Green Pigeon 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
301 Thick-billed Green Pigeon 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
302 Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon 23/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
303 Yellow-footed Green Pigeon 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
304 Pin-tailed Green Pigeon 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
305 Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon 8/2/2015 Cambodia: Preah Khan temple, Siem Reap.
306 Whistling Green Pigeon 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
307 Green Imperial Pigeon 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
308 Mountain Imperial Pigeon 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
309 Dark-backed Imperial Pigeon 26/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
310 Pied Imperial Pigeon 16/07/2015 Singapore, near Rifle Range Road.
311 Yellow-crested Cockatoo 1/7/2015 Indonesia: Komodo Island.
312 Vernal Hanging Parrot 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
313 Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot 21/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
314 Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot 16/07/2015 Singapore, near Rifle Range Road.
315 Yellow-throated Hanging Parrot 26/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
316 Wallace’s Hanging Parrot 5/7/2015 Indonesia: Potowangka Road, Flores.
317 Alexandrine Parakeet 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Ta Prohm temple, Siem Reap.
318 Rose-ringed Parakeet 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
319 Slaty-headed Parakeet 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
320 Plum-headed Parakeet 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
321 Blossom-headed Parakeet 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
322 Layard’s Parakeet 25/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
323 Red-breasted Parakeet 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Ta Prohm temple, Siem Reap.
324 Monk Parakeet 11/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX.
325 Greater Coucal 1/2/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
326 Lesser Coucal 26/02/2015 Thailand: Huay Tung Tao, Chiang Mai.
327 Raffles’s Malkoha 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
328 Red-billed Malkoha 31/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
329 Chestnut-breasted Malkoha 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
330 Chestnut-bellied Malkoha 16/07/2015 Singapore: Rifle Range Road.
331 Black-bellied Malkoha 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
332 Green-billed Malkoha 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
333 Asian Koel 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
334 Violet Cuckoo 30/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
335 Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo 14/07/2015 Indonesia: Serangan Island, Bali.
336 Banded Bay Cuckoo 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
337 Plaintive Cuckoo 7/2/2015 Cambodia: Phnom Krom rice fields.
338 Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo 22/07/2015 Thailand: Trang Botanical Gardens.
339 Fork-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
340 Common Hawk-Cuckoo 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
341 Sunda Cuckoo 25/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
342 Common Cuckoo 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
343 Collared Scops Owl 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
344 Eurasian Scops Owl 15/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy.
345 Eurasian Eagle-Owl 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
346 Brown Fish Owl 23/09/2015 Vietnam: Ho Tuyen Lam, Dalat.
347 Ural Owl 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
348 Asian Barred Owlet 1/3/2015 Thailand: Muang Khong road, near Chiang Dao.
349 Jungle Owlet 14/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
350 Little Owl 8/5/2015 UK: Crockham Hill, Kent
351 Brown Hawk-Owl 14/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
352 Hodgson’s Frogmouth 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
353 Grey Nightjar 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
354 Large-tailed Nightjar 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
355 Indian Nightjar 31/01/2015 Thailand: King’s Project, Laem Pak Bia.
356 Savanna Nightjar 17/01/2015 Taiwan: Jiadong, Pingtung County.
357 Crested Treeswift 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
358 Grey-rumped Treeswift 9/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
359 Whiskered Treeswift 27/08/2015 Thailand: Sri Phang Nga National Park.
360 Glossy Swiftlet 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
361 Cave Swiftlet 16/06/2015 Indonesia: Ubud, Bali.
362 Indian Swiftlet 15/04/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
363 Himalayan Swiftlet 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
364 Edible-nest Swiftlet 25/06/2015 Indonesia: Bali Barat National Park, Bali.
365 Germain’s Swiftlet 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
366 Silver-rumped Spinetail 27/08/2015 Thailand: Sri Phang Nga National Park.
367 Silver-backed Needletail 14/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
368 Brown-backed Needletail 3/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
369 Asian Palm Swift 1/2/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
370 Alpine Swift 31/05/2015 France: Gorges du Verdon, Provence.
371 Common Swift 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
372 Cook’s Swift 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
373 House Swift 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
374 Scarlet-rumped Trogon 4/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
375 Orange-breasted Trogon 18/08/2015 Thailand: Muang Khong road, near Chiang Dao.
376 Red-headed Trogon 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
377 Indian Roller 1/2/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
378 European Roller 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
379 Oriental Dollarbird 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
380 Glittering Kingfisher 5/7/2015 Indonesia: Potowangka Road, Flores.
381 Stork-billed Kingfisher 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
382 Brown-winged Kingfisher 24/07/2015 Thailand: Krabi mangroves.
383 White-throated Kingfisher 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
384 Javan Kingfisher 19/06/2015 Indonesia: Ubud, Bali.
385 Black-capped Kingfisher 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
386 Collared Kingfisher 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
387 Sacred Kingfisher 30/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
388 Cerulean Kingfisher 10/7/2015 Indonesia: Nusa Dua settling ponds, Bali.
389 Blue-banded Kingfisher 3/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
390 Blue-eared Kingfisher 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
391 Common Kingfisher 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
392 Belted Kingfisher 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
393 Pied Kingfisher 5/2/2015 Cambodia: boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap.
394 Red-bearded Bee-eater 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
395 Blue-bearded Bee-eater 10/8/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao.
396 Green Bee-eater 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
397 Blue-tailed Bee-eater 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
398 Chestnut-headed Bee-eater 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
399 European Bee-eater 29/05/2015 France: near Sommieres, Languedoc.
400 Eurasian Hoopoe 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
401 Rhinoceros Hornbill 3/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
402 Great Hornbill 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
403 Oriental Pied Hornbill 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
404 Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill 21/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
405 Indian Grey Hornbill 2/4/2015 India: Agra.
406 Wreathed Hornbill 9/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
407 Great Barbet 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
408 Brown-headed Barbet 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
409 Lineated Barbet 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
410 Green-eared Barbet 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
411 Golden-whiskered Barbet 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
412 Red-crowned Barbet 22/07/2015 Thailand: Trang Botanical Gardens.
413 Red-throated Barbet 21/07/2015 Thailand: Trang Botanical Gardens.
414 Yellow-fronted Barbet 24/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
415 Golden-throated Barbet 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
416 Indochinese Barbet 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
417 Taiwan Barbet 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
418 Blue-throated Barbet 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
419 Yellow-crowned Barbet 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
420 Flame-fronted Barbet 24/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
421 Blue-eared Barbet 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
422 Crimson-fronted Barbet 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
423 Coppersmith Barbet 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
424 Sooty Barbet 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
425 Eurasian Wryneck 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao rice paddies.
426 Rufous Piculet 23/07/2015 Thailand: Khao Nor Chu Chi, Krabi.
427 White-browed Piculet 9/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
428 Grey-and-buff Woodpecker 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
429 Heart-spotted Woodpecker 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
430 Golden-fronted Woodpecker 7/11/2015 USA: Gruene, Texas.
431 Red-bellied Woodpecker 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
432 Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker 30/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
433 Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
434 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
435 Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker 14/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
436 Freckle-breasted Woodpecker 5/2/2015 Cambodia: boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap.
437 Stripe-breasted Woodpecker 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
438 Yellow-crowned Woodpecker 24/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
439 Middle Spotted Woodpecker 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
440 White-backed Woodpecker 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
441 Syrian Woodpecker 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
442 Great Spotted Woodpecker 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
443 Ladder-backed Woodpecker 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
444 Downy Woodpecker 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
445 Northern Flicker 17/10/2015 USA: Houston.
446 Black Woodpecker 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
447 Banded Woodpecker 16/07/2015 Singapore: Rifle Range Road.
448 Checker-throated Woodpecker 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
449 Greater Yellownape 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
450 Lesser Yellownape 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
451 Crimson-winged Woodpecker 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
452 Streak-breasted Woodpecker 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
453 Laced Woodpecker 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
454 European Green Woodpecker 25/05/2015 France: Chenonceaux, Loire Valley.
455 Black-headed Woodpecker 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
456 Grey-headed Woodpecker 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
457 Himalayan Flameback 14/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
458 Common Flameback 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
459 Black-rumped Flameback 12/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
460 Greater Flameback 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
461 Maroon Woodpecker 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
462 Bay Woodpecker 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
463 Rufous Woodpecker 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
464 Buff-rumped Woodpecker 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
465 Buff-necked Woodpecker 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
466 Great Slaty Woodpecker 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
467 Green Broadbill 30/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
468 Black-and-red Broadbill 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
469 Long-tailed Broadbill 2/3/2015 Thailand: Muang Khong road, near Chiang Dao.
470 Silver-breasted Broadbill 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
471 Banded Broadbill 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
472 Black-and-yellow Broadbill 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
473 Dusky Broadbill 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
474 Rusty-naped Pitta 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
475 Malayan Banded Pitta 30/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
476 Mangrove Pitta 24/07/2015 Thailand: Krabi mangroves.
477 Elegant Pitta 3/7/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
478 Eastern Phoebe 17/10/2015 USA: Houston.
479 Vermilion Flycatcher 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
480 Couch’s Kingbird 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
481 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
482 Eastern Kingbird 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
483 Indonesian Honeyeater 30/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
484 Golden-bellied Gerygone 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
485 Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike 12/2/2015 Thailand: near Samoeng, Chiang Mai.
486 Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike 26/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
487 Large Woodshrike 2/3/2015 Thailand: Muang Khong road, near Chiang Dao.
488 Common Woodshrike 14/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
489 Rufous-winged Philentoma 4/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
490 Ashy Woodswallow 12/2/2015 Thailand: Chiang Mai.
491 White-breasted Woodswallow 25/06/2015 Indonesia: Bali Barat National Park, Bali.
492 Common Iora 4/2/2015 Cambodia: Choeng Ek, near Phnom Penh.
493 Green Iora 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
494 Great Iora 9/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
495 Large Cuckooshrike 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
496 Indochinese Cuckooshrike 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
497 Black-winged Cuckooshrike 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
498 Lesser Cuckooshrike 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
499 Black-headed Cuckooshrike 24/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
500 White-shouldered Triller 1/7/2015 Indonesia: Komodo Island.
501 Rosy Minivet 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
502 Swinhoe’s Minivet 9/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
503 Ashy Minivet 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.
504 Small Minivet 24/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
505 Fiery Minivet 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
506 Little Minivet 5/7/2015 Indonesia: Potowangka Road, Flores.
507 Grey-chinned Minivet 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
508 Long-tailed Minivet 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
509 Short-billed Minivet 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
510 Scarlet Minivet 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
511 Mangrove Whistler 5/9/2015 Thailand: Satun mangroves.
512 Rusty-breasted Whistler 29/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
513 Tiger Shrike 31/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
514 Brown Shrike 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
515 Red-backed Shrike 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
516 Burmese Shrike 1/3/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
517 Long-tailed Shrike 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Budai, near Chiayi.
518 Grey-backed Shrike 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
519 Lesser Grey Shrike 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
520 Loggerhead Shrike 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
521 White-eyed Vireo 17/10/2015 USA: Houston.
522 Blue-headed Vireo 11/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX.
523 White-bellied Erpornis 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
524 Blyth’s Shrike-babbler 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
525 Dalat Shrike-babbler 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
526 Green Shrike-babbler 24/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
527 Black-eared Shrike-babbler 24/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
528 Clicking Shrike-babbler 26/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Pui, Chiang Mai.
529 Dark-throated Oriole 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
530 Eurasian Golden Oriole 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
531 Slender-billed Oriole 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
532 Black-naped Oriole 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.
533 Black-hooded Oriole 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
534 Maroon Oriole 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
535 Black Drongo 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
536 Ashy Drongo 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.
537 White-bellied Drongo 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
538 Crow-billed Drongo 9/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
539 Bronzed Drongo 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
540 Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
541 Hair-crested Drongo 12/2/2015 Thailand: near Samoeng, Chiang Mai.
542 Wallacean Drongo 29/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
543 Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
544 White-throated Fantail 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
545 White-browed Fantail 24/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
546 Malaysian Pied Fantail 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
547 Arafura Fantail 5/7/2015 Indonesia: Potowangka Road, Flores.
548 Black-naped Monarch 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
549 Blyth’s Paradise-Flycatcher (Oriental Paradise-Flycatcher) 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
550 Crested Jay 3/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
551 Blue Jay 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
552 Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay 10/11/2015 USA: Spanish Oaks Estate, Austin, TX.
553 Eurasian Jay 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
554 Azure-winged Magpie 20/01/2015 Taiwan: near Tainan.
555 Sri Lanka Blue Magpie 21/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
556 Taiwan Blue Magpie 28/01/2015 Taiwan: Taipei Botanical Gardens.
557 Red-billed Blue Magpie 12/2/2015 Thailand: near Samoeng, Chiang Mai.
558 Common Green Magpie 9/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
559 Rufous Treepie 26/02/2015 Thailand: Huay Tung Tao, Chiang Mai.
560 Grey Treepie 1/1/2015 Taiwan: between Kaohsiung and Kenting.
561 Racket-tailed Treepie 31/01/2015 Thailand: King’s Project, Laem Pak Bia.
562 Ratchet-tailed Treepie 9/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
563 Eurasian Magpie 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
564 Alpine Chough 22/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
565 Western Jackdaw 3/5/2015 UK: Oxted, Surrey.
566 House Crow 12/3/2015 Nepal: Kathmandu.
567 Flores Crow 5/7/2015 Indonesia: Potowangka Road, Flores.
568 Rook 3/5/2015 UK: Crockham Hill, Kent
569 American Crow 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
570 Carrion Crow 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
571 Hooded Crow 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
572 Large-billed Crow 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
573 Eastern Jungle Crow 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
574 Northern Raven 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
575 Yellow-bellied Fantail 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
576 Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
577 Yellow-browed Tit 24/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
578 Sultan Tit 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
579 Rufous-vented Tit 22/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
580 Coal Tit 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
581 European Crested Tit 4/6/2015 France: Le Plan de la Tour, Provence.
582 Grey Crested Tit 22/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
583 Tufted Titmouse 17/10/2015 USA: Houston.
584 Black-crested Titmouse 7/11/2015 USA: Gruene, Texas.
585 Marsh Tit 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
586 Carolina Chickadee 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
587 Eurasian Blue Tit 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
588 Great Tit 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
589 Cinereous Tit 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
590 Green-backed Tit 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
591 Yellow Tit 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
592 Himalayan Black-lored Tit 12/3/2015 Nepal: between Kathmandu and Chitwan.
593 Yellow-cheeked Tit 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
594 Eurasian Penduline Tit 17/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
595 Verdin 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
596 Bearded Reedling 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
597 Indochinese Bush Lark 1/2/2015 Thailand: Laem Pak Bia abandoned building.
598 Greater Short-toed Lark 29/05/2015 France: Plaine de la Crau, near Arles.
599 Crested Lark 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
600 Woodlark 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
601 Eurasian Skylark 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
602 Oriental Skylark 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
603 Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark 16/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Koggala airfield.
604 Crested Finchbill 1/3/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
605 Black-headed Bulbul 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.
606 Black-capped Bulbul 21/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
607 Black-crested Bulbul 12/2/2015 Thailand: near Samoeng, Chiang Mai.
608 Scaly-breasted Bulbul 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
609 Grey-bellied Bulbul 27/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
610 Red-whiskered Bulbul 12/2/2015 Thailand: near Samoeng, Chiang Mai.
611 Brown-breasted Bulbul 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
612 Light-vented Bulbul 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
613 Styan’s Bulbul 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
614 Himalayan Bulbul 12/3/2015 Nepal: between Kathmandu and Chitwan.
615 Red-vented Bulbul 12/3/2015 Nepal: Kathmandu.
616 Sooty-headed Bulbul 13/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
617 Stripe-throated Bulbul 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
618 Flavescent Bulbul 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
619 Yellow-vented Bulbul 1/2/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
620 White-browed Bulbul 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
621 Olive-winged Bulbul 16/07/2015 Singapore: Rifle Range Road.
622 Streak-eared Bulbul 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
623 Cream-vented Bulbul 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
624 Asian Red-eyed Bulbul 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
625 Spectacled Bulbul 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
626 Puff-throated Bulbul 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
627 Ochraceous Bulbul 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
628 Yellow-bellied Bulbul 23/07/2015 Thailand: Khao Nor Chu Chi, Krabi.
629 Yellow-browed Bulbul 21/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
630 Hairy-backed Bulbul 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
631 Grey-eyed Bulbul 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
632 Buff-vented Bulbul 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
633 Mountain Bulbul 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
634 Ashy Bulbul 20/08/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
635 Cinereous Bulbul 3/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
636 Black Bulbul 3/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
637 White-headed Bulbul 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
638 Grey-throated Martin 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
639 Sand Martin 5/2/2015 Cambodia: boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap.
640 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
641 Barn Swallow 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
642 Pacific Swallow 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
643 Wire-tailed Swallow 12/2/2015 Thailand: Ping river near Lamphun.
644 Eurasian Crag Martin 27/05/2015 France: Domme, Dordogne.
645 Dusky Crag Martin 8/10/2015 Vietnam: Phong Nha.
646 Common House Martin 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
647 Asian House Martin 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
648 Red-rumped Swallow 5/2/2015 Cambodia: boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap.
649 Sri Lanka Swallow 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
650 Striated Swallow 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
651 Rufous-bellied Swallow 24/07/2015 Thailand: Krabi mangroves.
652 Cave Swallow 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
653 Nepal Wren-babbler 14/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
654 Pygmy Wren-babbler 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
655 Yellow-bellied Warbler 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
656 Rufous-faced Warbler 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
657 Mountain Tailorbird 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
658 Manchurian Bush Warbler 28/01/2015 Taiwan: Taipei Botanical Gardens.
659 Brown-flanked Bush Warbler 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
660 Yellow-bellied Bush Warbler 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
661 Aberrant Bush Warbler 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
662 Grey-bellied Tesia 24/09/2015 Vietnam: Lang Bian mountain, Dalat.
663 Slaty-bellied Tesia 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
664 Cetti’s Warbler 30/05/2015 France: Camargue.
665 Grey-sided Bush Warbler 18/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
666 Asian Stubtail 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
667 Long-tailed Tit 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
668 Black-throated Bushtit 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
669 Willow Warbler 13/05/2015 UK: Knole Park, Kent.
670 Common Chiffchaff 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
671 Western Bonelli’s Warbler 30/05/2015 France: near Sommieres, Languedoc.
672 Wood Warbler 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
673 Dusky Warbler 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
674 Smoky Warbler 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
675 Radde’s Warbler 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
676 Ashy-throated Warbler 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
677 Lemon-rumped Warbler 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
678 Yellow-browed Warbler 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
679 Hume’s Leaf Warbler 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
680 Arctic Warbler 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
681 Greenish Warbler 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao.
682 Two-barred Warbler 23/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
683 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler 8/2/2015 Cambodia: Preah Khan temple, Siem Reap.
684 Eastern Crowned Warbler 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
685 Blyth’s Leaf Warbler 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
686 Claudia’s Leaf Warbler 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
687 Davison’s Leaf Warbler 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
688 Kloss’s Leaf Warbler 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
689 Sulphur-breasted Warbler 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
690 Mountain Leaf Warbler 25/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
691 Grey-hooded Warbler 18/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
692 Whistler’s Warbler 24/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
693 Bianchi’s Warbler 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
694 Martens’s Warbler 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
695 Grey-cheeked Warbler 24/09/2015 Vietnam: Lang Bian mountain, Dalat.
696 Chestnut-crowned Warbler 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
697 Sunda Warbler 24/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
698 Great Reed Warbler 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
699 Oriental Reed Warbler 1/2/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
700 Black-browed Reed Warbler 31/01/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
701 Moustached Warbler 17/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
702 Sedge Warbler 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
703 Eurasian Reed Warbler 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
704 Marsh Warbler 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
705 Thick-billed Warbler 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao.
706 Melodious Warbler 24/05/2015 France: near Fontainebleau.
707 Icterine Warbler 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
708 Savi’s Warbler 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
709 Striated Grassbird 7/2/2015 Cambodia: Phnom Krom rice fields.
710 Zitting Cisticola 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
711 Golden-headed Cisticola 17/06/2015 Indonesia: Ubud, Bali.
712 Hill Prinia 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
713 Rufescent Prinia 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
714 Grey-breasted Prinia 26/02/2015 Thailand: Huay Tung Tao, Chiang Mai.
715 Bar-winged Prinia 8/7/2015 Indonesia: Seminyak, Bali.
716 Yellow-bellied Prinia 13/01/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
717 Ashy Prinia 25/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
718 Plain Prinia 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
719 Common Tailorbird 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
720 Dark-necked Tailorbird 1/2/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale.
721 Cambodian Tailorbird 16/09/2015 Cambodia: near Phnom Penh.
722 Rufous-tailed Tailorbird 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
723 Olive-backed Tailorbird 10/7/2015 Indonesia: Nusa Dua settling ponds, Bali.
724 Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
725 Black-necklaced Scimitar Babbler 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
726 Sri Lanka Scimitar Babbler 25/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
727 White-browed Scimitar Babbler 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
728 Chestnut-backed Scimitar Babbler 26/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
729 Taiwan Scimitar Babbler 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
730 Red-billed Scimitar Babbler 23/09/2015 Vietnam: Ho Tuyen Lam, Dalat.
731 Sooty Babbler 8/10/2015 Vietnam: Phong Nha.
732 Grey-throated Babbler 23/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
733 Grey-headed Babbler 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
734 Spot-necked Babbler 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
735 Chestnut-winged Babbler 23/07/2015 Thailand: Khao Nor Chu Chi, Krabi.
736 Crescent-chested Babbler 25/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
737 Rufous-fronted Babbler 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
738 Rufous-capped Babbler 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
739 Golden Babbler 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
740 Tawny-bellied Babbler 21/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
741 Dark-fronted Babbler 14/04/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
742 Pin-striped Tit-Babbler 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
743 Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
744 Chestnut-capped Babbler 11/8/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao rice paddies.
745 Rufous-winged Fulvetta 23/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
746 Black-crowned Fulvetta 24/09/2015 Vietnam: Lang Bian mountain, Dalat.
747 Dusky Fulvetta 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
748 Brown Fulvetta 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
749 Brown-cheeked Fulvetta 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
750 Mountain Fulvetta 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
751 Black-browed Fulvetta 7/10/2015 Vietnam: Phong Nha.
752 Grey-cheeked Fulvetta 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
753 Yunnan Fulvetta 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
754 Nepal Fulvetta 20/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
755 Streaked Wren-Babbler 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
756 Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler 26/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Pui, Chiang Mai.
757 Collared Babbler 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
758 Abbott’s Babbler 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
759 Short-tailed Babbler 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
760 Moustached Babbler 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
761 Scaly-crowned Babbler 29/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
762 Spot-throated Babbler 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
763 Puff-throated Babbler 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
764 Buff-breasted Babbler 13/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
765 Black-capped Babbler 27/08/2015 Thailand: Sri Phang Nga National Park.
766 Jungle Babbler 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
767 Yellow-billed Babbler 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
768 White-crested Laughingthrush 21/09/2015 Vietnam: Dalat.
769 White-throated Laughingthrush 24/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
770 Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush 21/09/2015 Vietnam: Dalat.
771 Black-throated Laughingthrush 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
772 White-cheeked Laughingthrush 21/09/2015 Vietnam: Dalat.
773 Rusty Laughingthrush 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
774 White-browed Laughingthrush 20/08/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
775 Striated Laughingthrush 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
776 Streaked Laughingthrush 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
777 Black-faced Laughingthrush 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
778 Silver-eared Laughingthrush 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
779 Collared Laughingthrush 24/09/2015 Vietnam: Lang Bian mountain, Dalat.
780 Himalayan Cutia 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
781 Blue-winged Minla 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
782 Bar-throated Minla 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
783 Scarlet-faced Liocichla 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
784 Steere’s Liocichla 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
785 Spectacled Barwing 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
786 Silver-eared Mesia 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
787 Grey-crowned Crocias 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
788 Rufous-backed Sibia 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
789 Rufous Sibia 19/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
790 Dark-backed Sibia 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
791 Black-headed Sibia 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
792 White-eared Sibia 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
793 Eurasian Blackcap 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
794 Garden Warbler 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
795 Barred Warbler 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
796 Lesser Whitethroat 11/5/2015 UK: Crockham Hill, Kent
797 Common Whitethroat 7/5/2015 UK: Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent.
798 Dartford Warbler 9/6/2015 France: near Plan de la Tour, Provence.
799 Subalpine Warbler 30/05/2015 France: near Sommieres, Languedoc.
800 Sardinian Warbler 30/05/2015 France: near Sommieres, Languedoc.
801 Yellow-eyed Babbler 24/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
802 Grey-headed Parrotbill 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
803 Black-headed Parrotbill 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
804 Whiskered Yuhina 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
805 Taiwan Yuhina 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
806 Mees’s White-eye 24/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
807 Crested White-eye 4/7/2015 Indonesia: Puarlolo, Flores.
808 Chestnut-flanked White-eye 1/3/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
809 Japanese White-eye 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
810 Oriental White-eye 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
811 Sri Lanka White-eye 24/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
812 Everett’s White-eye 3/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
813 Mountain White-eye 24/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
814 Yellow-ringed White-eye 29/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
815 Lemon-bellied White-eye 30/06/2015 Indonesia: Komodo National Park.
816 Asian Fairy-bluebird 17/02/2015 Thailand: Muang Khong road, near Chiang Dao.
817 Common Firecrest 25/05/2015 France: Chenonceaux, Loire Valley.
818 Goldcrest 9/5/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
819 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
820 Sedge Wren 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
821 Bewick’s Wren 10/11/2015 USA: Spanish Oaks Estate, Austin, TX.
822 Carolina Wren 17/10/2015 USA: Houston.
823 Eurasian Wren 22/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
824 House Wren 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
825 Blue-grey Gnatcatcher 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
826 Eurasian Nuthatch 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
827 Chestnut-vented Nuthatch 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
828 Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch 14/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
829 White-tailed Nuthatch 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
830 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
831 Yellow-billed Nuthatch 25/09/2015 Vietnam: Ho Tuyen Lam, Dalat.
832 Giant Nuthatch 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
833 Brown Creeper 1/11/2015 USA: Arlington Settling Ponds, Dallas.
834 Short-toed Treecreeper 5/6/2015 France: Plan de la Tour, Provence.
835 Hume’s Treecreeper 23/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
836 Northern Mockingbird 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
837 Long-billed Thrasher 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
838 Curve-billed Thrasher 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
839 Asian Glossy Starling 7/1/2015 Taiwan: Kaohsiung City.
840 Short-tailed Starling 24/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
841 Golden-crested Myna 6/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
842 Common Hill Myna 8/2/2015 Cambodia: Preah Khan temple, Siem Reap.
843 Great Myna 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
844 Javan Myna 3/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
845 Jungle Myna 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
846 Bank Myna 1/4/2015 India: near New Delhi airport.
847 Common Myna 1/1/2015 Taiwan: Kaohsiung City.
848 Black-collared Starling 29/01/2015 Taiwan: Taipei.
849 Pied Myna 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
850 White-shouldered Starling 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
851 Chestnut-tailed Starling 13/01/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
852 Brahminy Starling 27/03/2015 Nepal: Pokhara.
853 White-faced Starling 21/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
854 Common Starling 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
855 Scaly Thrush 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
856 Dark-sided Thrush 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
857 Eastern Bluebird 1/11/2015 USA: Arlington Settling Ponds, Dallas.
858 Black-breasted Thrush 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
859 Japanese Thrush 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
860 Common Blackbird 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
861 Island Thrush 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
862 Grey-sided Thrush 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
863 Eyebrowed Thrush 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
864 Pale Thrush 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
865 Brown-headed Thrush 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
866 Dusky Thrush 29/01/2015 Taiwan: Taipei.
867 Song Thrush 10/5/2015 UK: Westerham, Kent.
868 Mistle Thrush 10/5/2015 UK: Crockham Hill, Kent
869 American Robin 18/10/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, Texas.
870 European Robin 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
871 Lesser Shortwing 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
872 White-browed Shortwing 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
873 Bluethroat 7/2/2015 Cambodia: Phnom Krom rice fields.
874 Siberian Rubythroat 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
875 Siberian Blue Robin 8/2/2015 Cambodia: Preah Khan temple, Siem Reap.
876 Common Nightingale 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy.
877 Himalayan Bluetail 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
878 Oriental Magpie-Robin 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
879 White-rumped Shama 8/2/2015 Cambodia: Preah Khan temple, Siem Reap.
880 Indian Robin 20/04/2015 Sri Lanka: between Tangalle and Sinharaja.
881 Black Redstart 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
882 Common Redstart 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
883 Daurian Redstart 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
884 Blue-fronted Redstart 19/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
885 Plumbeous Water Redstart 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
886 White-capped Redstart 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
887 White-tailed Robin 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
888 Javan Whistling Thrush 25/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
889 Blue Whistling Thrush 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
890 Grandala 23/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
891 Chestnut-naped Forktail 2/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
892 Slaty-backed Forktail 8/10/2015 Vietnam: Phong Nha.
893 White-crowned Forktail 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
894 Whinchat 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
895 European Stonechat 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
896 Siberian Stonechat 18/01/2015 Taiwan: Jiadong, Pingtung County.
897 Pied Bush Chat 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao rice paddies.
898 Grey Bush Chat 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
899 Northern Wheatear 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
900 Blue Rock Thrush 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
901 Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
902 Fulvous-chested Jungle Flycatcher 24/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
903 Spotted Flycatcher 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
904 Dark-sided Flycatcher 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
905 Asian Brown Flycatcher 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.
906 Collared Flycatcher 15/05/2015 Hungary: Zemplen Hills.
907 Yellow-rumped Flycatcher 30/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
908 Slaty-backed Flycatcher 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
909 Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
910 Taiga Flycatcher 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.
911 Snowy-browed Flycatcher 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
912 Little Pied Flycatcher 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
913 Ultramarine Flycatcher 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
914 Sapphire Flycatcher 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
915 Verditer Flycatcher 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
916 Hainan Blue Flycatcher 8/2/2015 Cambodia: Banteay Srei temple, Siem Reap.
917 Pale Blue Flycatcher 3/9/2015 Thailand: Hala Bala, Narathiwat.
918 Hill Blue Flycatcher 15/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
919 Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher 14/04/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
920 Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher 25/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
921 White-gorgeted Flycatcher 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
922 Rufous-bellied Niltava 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
923 Vivid Niltava 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
924 Large Niltava 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
925 Small Niltava 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
926 Greater Green Leafbird 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
927 Lesser Green Leafbird 27/08/2015 Thailand: Sri Phang Nga National Park.
928 Blue-winged Leafbird 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
929 Jerdon’s Leafbird 24/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Ella.
930 Golden-fronted Leafbird 12/2/2015 Thailand: near Samoeng, Chiang Mai.
931 Orange-bellied Leafbird 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
932 Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker 22/07/2015 Thailand: Trang Botanical Gardens.
933 Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker 30/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
934 Thick-billed Flowerpecker 21/08/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
935 Yellow-vented Flowerpecker 7/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
936 Legge’s Flowerpecker 21/04/2015 Sri Lanka: Sinharaja Forest.
937 Orange-bellied Flowerpecker 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
938 Pale-billed Flowerpecker 14/04/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
939 Plain Flowerpecker 17/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao.
940 Black-fronted Flowerpecker 3/7/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
941 Fire-breasted Flowerpecker 20/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
942 Blood-breasted Flowerpecker 24/06/2015 Indonesia: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Bali.
943 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 6/2/2015 Cambodia: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.
944 Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker 14/07/2015 Indonesia: Serangan Island, Bali.
945 Ruby-cheeked Sunbird 8/3/2015 Thailand: Kaeng Krachan National Park.
946 Plain Sunbird 31/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
947 Brown-throated Sunbird 4/7/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
948 Red-throated Sunbird 31/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
949 Purple-naped Sunbird 21/08/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
950 Purple-rumped Sunbird 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
951 Copper-throated Sunbird 5/9/2015 Thailand: Satun mangroves.
952 Purple Sunbird 17/02/2015 Thailand: Muang Khong road, near Chiang Dao.
953 Olive-backed Sunbird 10/2/2015 Thailand: Chiang Mai.
954 Flame-breasted Sunbird 29/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
955 Loten’s Sunbird 11/4/2015 Sri Lanka: near Unawatuna.
956 Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
957 Green-tailed Sunbird 24/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Inthanon.
958 Black-throated Sunbird 18/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
959 Crimson Sunbird 30/03/2015 Nepal: Pokhara.
960 Temminck’s Sunbird 27/08/2015 Thailand: Sri Phang Nga National Park.
961 Fire-tailed Sunbird 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
962 Little Spiderhunter 13/02/2015 Thailand: Chiang Dao Temple.
963 Long-billed Spiderhunter 30/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
964 Spectacled Spiderhunter 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
965 Yellow-eared Spiderhunter 30/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
966 Grey-breasted Spiderhunter 18/07/2015 Malaysia: FRIM Forest Research Center, KL.
967 Streaked Spiderhunter 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
968 House Sparrow 1/2/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
969 Russet Sparrow 18/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
970 Plain-backed Sparrow 1/2/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
971 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Kenting.
972 Streaked Weaver 16/06/2015 Indonesia: Ubud, Bali.
973 Baya Weaver 1/2/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
974 Red Avadavat 26/02/2015 Thailand: Huay Tung Tao, Chiang Mai.
975 Zebra Finch 30/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
976 White-rumped Munia 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
977 Javan Munia 16/06/2015 Indonesia: Ubud, Bali.
978 Black-faced Munia 29/06/2015 Indonesia: near Labuan Bajo, Flores.
979 Scaly-breasted Munia 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
980 Chestnut Munia 1/2/2015 Thailand: near Pak Thale.
981 White-headed Munia 18/06/2015 Indonesia: Ubud, Bali.
982 Java Sparrow 27/06/2015 Indonesia: Ubud, Bali.
983 Alpine Accentor 23/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
984 Robin Accentor 23/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
985 Dunnock 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
986 Forest Wagtail 28/08/2015 Thailand: Krung Ching, near Nakhon Si Thammarat.
987 Western Yellow Wagtail 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
988 Eastern Yellow Wagtail 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
989 Citrine Wagtail 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
990 Grey Wagtail 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
991 White Wagtail 2/1/2015 Taiwan: Longluan Lake, Kenting.
992 White-browed Wagtail 12/3/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
993 Richard’s Pipit 20/01/2015 Taiwan: Budai, near Chiayi.
994 Paddyfield Pipit 31/01/2015 Thailand: Pak Thale/Laem Pak Bia area.
995 Tawny Pipit 29/05/2015 France: Plaine de la Crau, near Arles.
996 Meadow Pipit 22/05/2015 France: near Calais.
997 Olive-backed Pipit 11/1/2015 Taiwan: Maolin, near Kaohsiung.
998 Rosy Pipit 13/03/2015 Nepal: Chitwan National Park.
999 Red-throated Pipit 6/1/2015 Taiwan: Cheting Marshes, Kaohsiung.
1000 Buff-bellied Pipit 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
1001 Common Chaffinch 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
1002 Spot-winged Grosbeak 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
1003 Hawfinch 14/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
1004 Red-headed Bullfinch 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
1005 Dark-breasted Rosefinch 19/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
1006 Common Rosefinch 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Lang.
1007 Pink-browed Rosefinch 21/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
1008 Spot-winged Rosefinch 20/03/2015 Nepal: Annapurna Base Camp trek.
1009 House Finch 1/11/2015 USA: Arlington Settling Ponds, Dallas.
1010 European Greenfinch 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
1011 Vietnamese Greenfinch 22/09/2015 Vietnam: Ta Nung Valley, Dalat.
1012 Black-headed Greenfinch 19/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Angkhang.
1013 Common Linnet 3/5/2015 UK: Crockham Hill, Kent
1014 European Goldfinch 28/04/2015 UK: Limpsfield Chart, Surrey.
1015 European Serin 15/05/2015 Hungary: near Tokaj.
1016 Lesser Goldfinch 7/11/2015 USA: Gruene, Texas.
1017 Orange-crowned Warbler 11/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX.
1018 Nashville Warbler 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.
1019 Common Yellowthroat 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
1020 Pine Warbler 18/10/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, Texas.
1021 Myrtle Warbler 18/10/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, Texas.
1022 Brown-headed Cowbird 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
1023 Red-winged Blackbird 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
1024 Common Grackle 11/11/2015 USA: Austin, Texas.
1025 Great-tailed Grackle 14/10/2015 USA: Houston.
1026 Boat-tailed Grackle 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
1027 Eastern Meadowlark 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
1028 Western Meadowlark 1/11/2015 USA: Arlington Settling Ponds, Dallas.
1029 Crested Bunting 1/3/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
1030 Corn Bunting 14/05/2015 Hungary: between Budapest and Tokaj.
1031 Yellowhammer 8/5/2015 UK: Crockham Hill, Kent
1032 Cirl Bunting 25/05/2015 France: Chenonceaux, Loire Valley.
1033 Chestnut Bunting 16/02/2015 Thailand: Doi Chiang Dao.
1034 Black-faced Bunting 4/1/2015 Taiwan: Tengjhih National Forest.
1035 Common Reed Bunting 16/05/2015 Hungary: Hortobagy-Halasto.
1036 Song Sparrow 1/11/2015 USA: Arlington Settling Ponds, Dallas.
1037 Lincoln’s Sparrow 1/11/2015 USA: Arlington Settling Ponds, Dallas.
1038 White-crowned Sparrow 8/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, Texas.
1039 Savannah Sparrow 23/10/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildlife Refuge, Texas.
1040 Chipping Sparrow 8/11/2015 USA: Gruene, Texas.
1041 Northern Cardinal 15/10/2015 USA: Houston.

1042 Golden-crowned Kinglet 12/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX
1043 Red-shouldered Hawk 13/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX
1044 Vesper Sparrow 13/11/2015 USA: Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX.
1045 Inca Dove 14/11/2015 USA: Gruene, Texas.
1046 Egyptian Goose 14/11/2015 USA: Gruene, Texas.
1047 Cinnamon Teal 15/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, TX.
1048 Hooded Merganser 15/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, TX.
1049 Red-breasted Merganser 15/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, TX.
1050 Bufflehead 15/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, TX.
1051 Long-billed Dowitcher 15/11/2015 USA: Mitchell Lake, San Antonio, TX.
1052 Red Crossbill 19/11/2015 USA: Houston.
1053 Snowy Plover 20/11/2015 USA: Bolivar Flats, Texas.
1054 Piping Plover 20/11/2015 USA: Bolivar Flats, Texas.
1055 Semipalmated Plover 20/11/2015 USA: Bolivar Flats, Texas.
1056 Reddish Egret 20/11/2015 USA: Bolivar Flats, Texas.
1057 Horned Lark 20/11/2015 USA: Bolivar Flats, Texas.
1058 Western Sandpiper 20/11/2015 USA: Bolivar Flats, Texas.
1059 American Herring Gull 20/11/2015 USA: Galveston, Texas.
1060 Sandwich Tern 20/11/2015 USA: Galveston, Texas.
1061 Tree Swallow 20/11/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildfowl Refuge, TX.
1062 Marsh Wren 20/11/2015 USA: Anahuac Wildfowl Refuge, TX.
1063 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 22/11/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, TX.
1064 Pileated Woodpecker 22/11/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, TX.
1065 Red-cockaded Woodpecker 22/11/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, TX.
1066 Brown-headed Nuthatch 22/11/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, TX.
1067 American Goldfinch 22/11/2015 USA: W G Jones State Forest, TX.
1068 White-throated Sparrow 27/11/2015 USA: Gruene, Texas.
1069 Cedar Waxwing 4/12/2015 USA: Kleb Woods, Texas.
1070 Rufous Hummingbird 4/12/2015 USA: Kleb Woods, Texas.
1071 Dark-eyed Junco 4/12/2015 USA: Kleb Woods, Texas.
1072 Red-breasted Nuthatch 4/12/2015 USA: Kleb Woods, Texas.
1073 Swamp Sparrow 4/12/2015 USA: Sheldon Lake, Texas.
1074 Hermit Thrush 7/12/2015 USA: Edith L Moore reserve, Houston, TX.
1075 White-tailed Hawk 12/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1076 Sandhill Crane 12/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1077 Whooping Crane 12/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1078 Long-billed Curlew 12/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1079 Horned Grebe 12/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1080 Snow Goose 12/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1081 Pyrrhuloxia 12/12/2015 USA: Chapman Ranch, Texas.
1082 Greater Roadrunner 12/12/2015 USA: Chapman Ranch, Texas.
1083 Say’s Phoebe 12/12/2015 USA: Chapman Ranch, Texas.
1084 Indigo Bunting 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1085 Painted Bunting 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1086 White-tipped Dove 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1087 Common Ground-Dove 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1088 Green Kingfisher 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1089 Altamira Oriole 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1090 Green Jay 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1091 Tropical Kingbird 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1092 Groove-billed Ani 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1093 Great Kiskadee 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1094 Common Pauraque 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1095 Green Parakeet 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1096 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1097 Anhinga 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1098 Plain Chachalaca 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1099 Buff-bellied Hummingbird 13/12/2015 USA: Estero Llano Grande SP, Texas.
1100 Black-and-white Warbler 13/12/2015 USA: Santa Ana NWR, Texas.
1101 Olive Sparrow 13/12/2015 USA: Santa Ana NWR, Texas.
1102 Harris’s Hawk 13/12/2015 USA: Santa Ana NWR, Texas.
1103 Northern Jacana 13/12/2015 USA: Santa Ana NWR, Texas.
1104 Broad-winged Hawk 13/12/2015 USA: Bentsen-Rio Grande SP, Texas.
1105 Grey Hawk 13/12/2015 USA: Bentsen-Rio Grande SP, Texas.
1106 Grey Catbird 14/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1107 Common Goldeneye 14/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1108 Prairie Warbler 14/12/2015 USA: Aransas NWR, Texas.
1109 Ringed Kingfisher 19/12/2015 USA: Landa Park, New Braunfels, TX.
1110 Wood Duck 19/12/2015 USA: Landa Park, New Braunfels, TX.

Urban Birding in Houston, December 4th-7th

View from the observation tower at Sheldon Lake – an alligator-infested wilderness less than 15 miles from downtown Houston.

The city of Houston is a birder’s paradise. Gulf coast spots outside the city such as Anahuac, Galveston, Bolivar Island and Brazoria are well known, but what is perhaps not so often appreciated is just how many wonderful and well-managed birding sites exist within the city limits, ranging from small urban wildlife oases to sizeable wetlands. Today I decided to stay closer to home and explore a couple of these locations, with the prospect of encountering several uncommon wintering birds recently reported on eBird.

I have just taken delivery of a new pair of Zeiss binoculars, so I was anxious to get into the field and try them out – and my wife Jenna wanted to come too. On our previous birding outings together, Jenna has been without optics, but she has now “inherited” my old Zeiss 8×20 compacts. This made for a much more involving and enjoyable birding experience for her  – no doubt helped a great deal by the beautiful cool, crisp, sunny weather. We packed a picnic and made a relaxed mid-morning start, heading first of all to the Kleb Woods Nature Preserve in the north-west quadrant of the city.

The story of Kleb Woods is an interesting one. Elmer Kleb inherited the site in the 1930s, but had no interest in farming the land as his father had done. Instead, he planted trees and let the 133 acre plot grow wild, living as a recluse in the forest while suburban Houston relentlessly grew around him. Facing a huge unpaid tax bill in the 1980s, it looked as though the elderly Elmer Kleb would be forced to sell his beloved forest to pay his debts to the state – but fortunately, Harris County managed to acquire a grant to buy the reserve, pay the back taxes, and preserve the land as a nature reserve. Elmer Kleb was allowed to remain in his cottage, and was even paid a stipend by the state to live there, until his death in 1999.

These days, Kleb Woods is managed with the birds in mind. Reserve staff maintain bird feeders around the nature center and farm buildings, including a number of hummingbird feeders – this is Houston’s premier hummingbird site in winter with several very scarce species possible here. Recently, a Rufous Hummingbird has been a regular fixture, with several unidentified “Rufous/Allen’s Hummingbirds” also present. Females of the two species are impossible to distinguish except in the hand, whereas the males are separable with care. In all likelihood, almost all of the unidentified hummingbirds here are Rufous, as most – but not all – of them prove to be this species when caught.

One of the first birds we saw was a stunning Red-bellied Woodpecker, which although common is a very striking bird when seen at close range in good light – and this one was on a bird feeder in full sunlight less than 30 yards away, much to Jenna’s enjoyment. A few White-throated Sparrows skulked around, and I was pleased to locate a Dark-eyed Junco in the pine trees, a winter visitor to Texas which isn’t often noted in the eBird reports. Although there are many hummingbird feeders here, locating the hummingbirds’ favored area isn’t difficult as the birds are extremely territorial. We quickly found a female-type Rufous/Allen’s Hummingbird, which repeatedly flew high in the air and hovered for a few seconds, calling all the while, before swooping down on a low “bombing raid” to chase away a rival, finally returning to a nearby treetop. The rival hummingbirds here were both unidentifiable females, but we took a seat and waited, and before long located the male Rufous Hummingbird, which seemed to prefer staying perched low down inside the bushes close to the feeder and staying out of the bombing raids. We watched the antics of the hummingbirds while enjoying our picnic in the warm sunshine – casual birding at its best!

The icing on cake was awaiting us as we walked back towards the car – a gorgeous male Red-breasted Nuthatch, showing very well on pine branches and trunks next to the nature center. This is a scarce winter visitor to this part of the US – this bird had been reported at Kleb Woods on and off since mid November, but hadn’t been seen for a few days, so it was great to rediscover it.

Jenna and her new binoculars – but no sign of a Greater Roadrunner despite the signs!

After a leisurely coffee stop – this was a “wife-friendly” birding day after all – we continued to Sheldon Lake, to the north-east of downtown, where we spent the last two hours of daylight walking the trail past the educational ponds, and back via the impressive John Jacobs observation tower. The tower is 82 feet tall, cost $1.3 million to build, and offers impressive views from its viewing decks – it even has a solar powered elevator! We had it all to ourselves, and from the top deck enjoyed panoramic late afternoon views of vast unspoiled marshlands to the north, smoking industrial chimneys to the south-east, and the skyscrapers of downtown Houston to the south-west. Incredible to think that such a tranquil, wild place can exist just a couple of miles from one of America’s busiest urban areas.

The birding here was pretty good too. Along the trails and beside the ponds, legions of Yellow-rumped Warblers, and smaller numbers of Orange-crowned Warblers and Ruby-crowned Kinglets inhabited almost every bush. A couple of Blue-grey Gnatcatchers also showed well – this species is a quite beautiful shade of blue when seen in good light, while nearby a young American Goldfinch allowed us to approach very closely while it fed on a seed head. A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in trees by the car park shared the area with a newly arrived flock of Cedar Waxwings, and small numbers of migrant Tree Swallows filtered through overhead. Rough meadows below the observation tower probably hold any number of rare sparrows in winter – Le Conte’s Sparrow is regularly recorded here – but we had to make do with good views of Swamp Sparrow, and a curious Sedge Wren. Probably the best sighting at Sheldon Lake wasn’t a bird at all, but a rather large alligator sunning itself at the edge of one of the ponds – my first sighting of an alligator in the US, although I am quite sure that it’s not the first time one of them has seen me, considering how much time I have spent in coastal wetlands during this Texas trip.

Just down the road from where I am currently living in west Houston is a small Audobon reserve, the Edith L Moore nature sanctuary, which I have been intending to visit for a while. According to eBird it seems to be a regular wintering location for a recent “bogey bird” of mine, Hermit Thrush, so when I found myself with a spare hour late on a gloriously warm, sunny Monday afternoon, I headed over there. The very first bird I saw as I walked away from the car park was a fine Hermit Thrush, feeding in the leaf litter, and I was to see two more during the course of my 40-minute visit. Halfway along the nature trail, I enjoyed a most unexpected encounter with a stunning Pileated Woodpecker, the largest extant North American woodpecker – it is not a common sight anywhere but seems to be fairly regularly seen in the well-wooded suburbs of west Houston.

Lifers: Rufous Hummingbird, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hermit Thrush (total 2,042).

2015 Year Ticks: Cedar Waxwing, Dark-eyed Junco, Swamp Sparrow (total 1,074).